The Unofficial Reddit API by SeasonedCode

This API allows you to interact with Reddit's data programmatically.
ReddAPI is an unofficial Reddit API that grants seamless access to Reddit data, enabling effortless retrieval and interaction with posts, comments, and user activities through straightforward HTTP requests.

This powerful tool is designed for efficient large-scale scraping of public Reddit data, providing a comprehensive solution for developers.

ReddAPI is well taken care of, and there's a helpful team ready to assist you.

It's all about making your experience smooth and reliable. Whether you want to dig out interesting info or play around with Reddit stuff using code, ReddAPI makes it super easy. It's great for all kinds of things you might want to do.

Just sign up for ReddAPI on RapidAPI, and you're good to go. Start exploring, checking things out, and playing with Reddit data—it's a breeze!

API Endpoints

first to access the api all requests must be under "/api" path This is what you can do using our Unofficial Reddit API.

please head over to our Docs for more details

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at Telegram
or though our Contact Form.

you are a team and you want a dedicated solution?

feel free to reach us using one of our contact info listed above.

Do you want a ready-to-use and simple UI to interact with ReddAPI?

we covered you with the best ReddAPI-Interface out there Learn More...